3 Tips For Creating Engaging Corporate Videos

3 Tips For Creating Engaging Corporate Films.

Businesses are increasingly turning to corporate videos as a method to connect with their customers, convey their brand stories, and communicate key messages effectively (and subtly).

But creating an engaging corporate film requires more than just pointing a camera and hitting record. It involves a blend of creativity, strategy, and technical know-how.

Today, we’ll explore what corporate films are, why they’re valuable for your business, and share some essential tips for making your corporate videos engaging and impactful.

What Is A Corporate Video?

Corporate films are videos produced by businesses or organisations to communicate specific messages to their target customers (or employees).

They come in various forms and serve different purposes, making them a versatile tool in any company’s communication and marketing arsenal.

The Types Of Corporate Videos

There are many types of corporate films, but here’s a list of 5 of the most common.

Brand Films

Brand Films tell the story of your company, its values, mission, and vision. There are 5 different types of brand films, each serving a different purpose, but all working together to achieve a common goal: build brand awareness and connect emotionally with your customers.

Internal Communication Films

Internal Communication Films are used within your business to communicate with your employees. They can include training videos, company updates, or messages from the leadership team.

Explainer Videos

Explainer Videos explain your product, service, or concept in a simple and engaging way. They’re often used on websites and social media to help potential customers understand what a business offers. They’re all about taking the complex and making it simple.

Testimonial Videos

Featuring satisfied customers, Testimonial Videos build trust and credibility by showcasing the real-life success stories of your customers.

Recruitment Videos

Recruitment Videos aim to attract potential employees by showcasing how your company can help a prospective employee excel in their career. The best recruitment films are less about you and your company, and more about the benefits of working in the role you’re advertising.

The set of a corporate film in a Melbourne building, featuring 3 lights, 3 cameras, a standing interviewer on the right hand side of frame, and a seated interviewee central.
Behind the scenes of one of our film sets, whilst creating a corporate film.

Why Your Company Would Want To Have A Corporate Video

Corporate films offer numerous benefits to businesses of all sizes. Here are some compelling reasons to invest in this powerful medium.

Enhanced Brand Awareness

A well-crafted corporate film can tell your brand’s story in a way that connects with your customers on a deep and emotive level.

Improved Engagement

Videos are the most powerful medium currently available to businesses. They are most consumed medium by your customers too. This means you are guaranteed to improve your engagement with customers through video, compared to other mediums such as audio or written.

Better Communication

Complex messages are often easier to understand when presented in a video format. Corporate films can simplify and clarify information that is traditionally very complex and difficult to consume.

Boosted Credibility And Trust

High-quality corporate films can enhance your company’s image, showing professionalism and attention to detail. Testimonials and case studies, in particular, can build trust with potential customers.

Increased Conversion Rates

Improving a video’s dwell time by a mere 1%, increases sales conversion rates by 1.5%. Likewise, just posting a video on your website home page has been proven to increase conversion rates by up to 80%.

Versatile Use

Corporate films can be repurposed across multiple channels – your website, social media, email campaigns, and more. This versatility maximises your return on investment.

The 3 Tips For Creating Engaging Corporate Videos

Keep It Concise

The average attention span of humans is a mere 8 seconds. That is smaller than a gold fish (9 seconds). This is incredibly low.

As a result, every second of your corporate film is an opportunity for your customers to click off, and stop watching. This makes every second so important, and means every second of your corporate film should serve a purpose.

Whether it’s providing information, building emotional connection, or prompting action.

Consider breaking down complex information into shorter segments or using infographics and visuals to convey data succinctly to keep viewer engagement high.

A small Gold Fish swimming through a fish tank with a green plant behind it.

Prioritise High Production Quality

Corporate films are an example of a long-form piece of content. This means your customers are expecting to watch a well-polished film – whether that film is 1-minute, 90 seconds or 5-minutes long.

Prioritising a high production quality is essential for longer form videos. Short form videos don’t need to be highly produced, however, for long form videos, it is a necessity.

This doesn’t mean you need to go and buy the latest and greatest camera for your business. Your phone can do just as good a job.

The real production quality comes from a well-lit scene, well framed shot, clear audio, and engaging editing through sound effects, music and the use of the correct dialogue.

Whilst all this can be achieved by your internal employees or marketing team, if you think it could be out of your reach, we’d recommend getting in touch with a professional video production company, to help you ensure you meet an adequate level of production quality.

A call to action seen in a brand film by Oura. It states "Commit To Your Body".
The call to action for a brand film by Oura. You can watch the film by clicking the image above.

Include A Clear Call To Action

What do you want viewers to do after watching your film?

Include a clear and compelling call to action to guide their next steps.

Whether it’s visiting your website or signing up for a newsletter, or in the case of an internal comms video, your employees changing their procedures, a strong call to action directs viewer engagement beyond the video.

Make your call to action specific, actionable, and aligned with the film’s objectives.

And remember to always show your logo AFTER the call-to-action, to sub-consciously attribute the feeling of empowerment obtained from your call to action, to your brand.

Start Creating Your Own Corporate Videos

Creating engaging corporate films is both an art and a science.

By understanding the different types of corporate films, recognising their value, and applying key tips for engagement, you can produce videos that not only capture attention but also drive results. 

If you’re unsure of where or how to get started with creating a corporate film for your business, contact our Melbourne-based video production company today.

We’ll help you create a compelling film all the way from pre-production through to post-production, and assist you in captivating your customers and driving results. Reach out to us for a consultation and start your journey towards compelling visual storytelling.


+61 400 801 891

All the best,

Didier Le Miere

Director | Fixon Media Group

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