Creating Short Form Video Content That Resonates With Your Clients

3 Phones each displaying a site of a social media platform. From left to right, 'Instagram Reels', 'TikTok', 'YouTube Shorts'.

Short form content has taken the world by storm.


It is so loved by users of social media platforms, that platforms themselves have been forced to diverge from their previous goals and content types, to instead provide focus and user accessibility to short form video content.


For many business owners, and marketing teams, the idea of short form content being used within your video marketing can often feel like a very silly idea.


When we look at TikTok, Instagram, YouTube shorts and many more platforms, it’s easy to think that short form content is all about dancing in front of the camera.


But in reality, it is more than that. By using short form content, brands can improve their sales cycle, and further enhance their relationships with their customers, by crafting short form video content that resonates.

Why Use Short Form Video Content?

Short form video content is not to be used on its own within your brand’s video marketing. In fact, it should not even be the main priority. Short form video content should only be used as a supplement to your brand’s video marketing strategies and campaigns.


The way I like to look at short form content is in relation to the sales cycle.


The sales cycle is made up of many touch points. Some are large, major, touchpoints. Whilst others are small, minor, touch points.


The major touch points are like boardroom meetings with a prospect or a phone call.


On the other hand, minor touch points are like when you see your prospect or client down the street and you say hello, or you comment on their LinkedIn post.


The major touchpoints bring your prospect closer to being closed on a sale, whilst the minor touchpoints keep things hot – they keep your brand front of mind, in your prospects mind.


Short form content is an example of these minor touchpoints (and long form videos are examples of those major touchpoints).


Where long form video content engages and attracts your prospect to your brand, short form video content is there to keep your brand front of mind, and increase touchpoints with your customers and prospects.


Keep in mind, the average sales cycle is made up of 8 touchpoints.

A male in a beige suit scrolling through their phone in a city street at night.
A GoPro action camera being held by a male hand outside. Green trees to the right.

How Can You Create Short Form Video Content That Resonates?

For someone to resonate with something, they need to feel it to be true and have some sort of meaning for them.


So another way to look at what content will resonate with your customers and prospects is what will be meaningful for them? What will they view that really connects with them on a deeper level?


This is where the 5 types of brand films come in.


These 5 types act as the guidelines to what short form video content you should produce.


Under each of the 5 pillars, your aim as a business is to create content that is relevant, communicates your brand’s message, and has some sort of meaning for viewers.


For something to have meaning, it normally needs to be attributed to a core belief or value. Which means that your business’s content needs to communicate your brand’s core values and beliefs in some manner.


As an example, let’s look at GoPro. This is a brand who use short form video content very well.


GoPro are known for reposting their user’s content. This could include anything, from breathtaking outdoor adventures to heart-warming family moments captured on their cameras.


By showcasing these user-generated videos, GoPro effectively communicates their brand’s core value of adventure, freedom, and capturing life’s moments.


Each short video resonates with viewers because it taps into their shared core values and desires of exploration, adventure and connection.


Similarly, your business can create short form video content that resonates with your customers by aligning your core values and beliefs.

It can work for B2B businesses too. Many B2B businesses think that because their service or product isn’t flashy like B2C businesses, they can’t craft short form video content.


This couldn’t be further from the truth. It is all about shining your brand’s core values through your content.


As an example, Fixon Media Group, as a predominantly B2B business, we have the core belief that push marketing is BS, and that commercials and advertisements are a waste of time.


We communicate this belief within our short form content, by discussing how brands can use brand films instead of commercials, and do so in a way that is not push-marketing based.


Whether it’s showcasing your company culture, highlighting customer success stories, or providing valuable tips and insights related to your industry, aim to create content that is meaningful and relevant to your audience.

Short form video content is a powerful tool within your business’s sales cycle. But it needs to be used correctly.


Instead of focusing on the latest trends, brands who focus on communicating their core values and beliefs through their content, stand to gain more from their video marketing, as this will resonate with viewers much more than trendy based content.

Need A Hand Forging A Deep Connection With Your Clients?

It’s not always easy to forge a deep connection with your clients. Which is why we’re here to help.

Brand story films are your brand’s north star. They help you to make decisions internally, and act as the centrepiece of your marketing strategy.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you forge a deep, emotive connection with your consumer through a brand story film, contact us via:

+61 400 801 891


All the best,

Didier Le Miere

Director | Fixon Media Group

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