Crafting A Fresh Perspective To Commercial Painting

With over 50 years of experience in interior and exterior commercial painting, the team at Resolute Painting & Projects have become the go-to specialists for large scale, commercial painting projects for corporates, schools and strata.

In 2023, Ben Manning, owner of Resolute Painting & Projects, reached out to us in search of an improved digital presence through social media platforms.


Resolute Painting & Projects




Melbourne, Victoria

The Challenge

For many B2B and service businesses, a common challenge being faced is the perception of their boring nature of work.

When compared to B2C businesses, the perception of many B2B business is often seen to be boring and not exciting, and thus many B2B businesses decide not to invest in video marketing in fear of being unable to break to perception.

The phrase “watching paint dry” has been a long time English idiom, describing a tedious or boring task. Matching commercial painting, a B2B service, with this common phrase, and making it exciting through video was the number 1 goal identified between Resolute and Fixon Media.

The overall aim of Resolute’s improved digital presence, is two fold:

  1. Highlight the expertise of Resolute in large-scale commercial painting projects.
  2. Make the business’s activity exciting through video, by crafting films around they major projects.
A painter using a long armed roller to paint an interior wall white.

The Solution

To make anything exciting through video, there are 3 variables that need to be executed to perfection.

  1. Sound effects
  2. Music
  3. Action

Let’s first look at action.

Action can involve anything seen on camera. In the case of Resolute, action could be the sites they are working on, their staff, and of course, painting.

With the scale of Resolute’s projects often involving abseiling, cranes and high access equipment such as cherry pickers, finding exciting ‘action’ shots is very straightforward.

With these exciting, and largely uncommon activities being presented on screen, viewers are automatically engaged with what they are seeing.

To further enhance this connection, sound design (the use of sound effects and music) is incredibly important.

The idea behind using sound effects is to make viewers feel as if they are physically in the scene being presented to them.

For Resolute’s project films, to make viewers feel like they’re on-site, we used a variety of sound effects of high access machines, raw sounds from on site and the sound of ropes and chains when abseiling, amongst others.

The final variable is then music. Selecting a track that is high energy, and includes a mix of builds and lows to match the mood and energy of the story being presented is critical in keeping engagement.

Furthermore, the right soundtrack can further enhance connection, and grip a viewer to the film.

The Result

Since 2023, Resolute Painting & Projects and Fixon Media Group have collaborated on a number of projects.

Many of the projects captured are large-scale works completed by Resolute.

These sites are chosen based on their scale, and their ability to effectively communicate the specialist expertise that Resolute hold.

On some occasions, project highlight films are created, involving coverage of a project before, during and after completion. In turn, this provides viewers with insight into the often times dramatic transformations achieved through the work of Resolute.

Through these films, Resolute has been able to begin to shift the common ‘boring’ perception of B2B businesses, and make their commercial painting activities exciting and visually interesting.

As a result, this has begun to transform their digital presence, from the sometimes routine ‘stale’ and ‘lifeless’ corporate B2B social media pages, to pages that have a soul, and energy and feel human.

Moving Forward

Fixon Media Group look forward to continuing our relationship with Resolute Painting & Projects, and furthering to improve their digital presence online, through crafting exciting highlights of their major projects.

As a result, Resolute can continue to communicate their credibility and expertise, and use their project review films as an effective tool in marketing their business, attracting new and ongoing projects.