What Is An Explainer Video?
5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Consider Making Your Own

The Ultimate Guide To Explainer Videos.

With the rise of online platforms, video content has become a powerful tool for engaging audiences. Among the various types of video content, explainer videos stand out as a particularly effective means of communication.

These short, concise videos can convey complex information in a simple and engaging manner. In this blog post, we’ll explore what an explainer video is and delve into the top five reasons why your business needs one.

What Is An Explainer video?

An explainer video is a short, animated or human-led video that explains a business idea, product, or service in a clear and engaging way.

Typically, explainer videos will last for a duration between 60 and 90 seconds. These videos aim to provide a quick overview of what a company offers and how it can benefit its customers.

It’s important to keep the duration of explainer videos between the 60 and 90 second range, as anything less than 60 seconds risks not including important information, whilst anything longer than 90 seconds risks losing viewer engagement.

Explainer videos often combine visuals, voiceovers, and text to simplify complex concepts, making them easily digestible for viewers.

The purpose of explainer videos is to capture the interest of potential customers and stakeholders. They are particularly effective because they cater to the modern audience’s preference for visual content over lengthy text.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs An Explainer video

Take Complex Information And Make It Simple

If you think back to your time in high school, you’ll remember that there was no worse experience than sitting at your desk being forced to listen to your teacher ramble on about a topic for 50 minutes straight.

The best teachers at school were able to take complex information, and simplify it, to make it easier for you to understand. As a result, they didn’t need to ramble for 50 minutes straight, and you weren’t left bored.

This is the same idea behind an explainer video.

In many industries, businesses offer products or services that can be complex or difficult to understand at first glance. Explainer videos break down these complexities into easily digestible pieces of information. By using engaging visuals and clear, concise narration, these videos can simplify even the most complicated concepts. This helps potential customers quickly grasp the value of what you are offering without feeling overwhelmed.

One of the best explainer videos launched in recent times is the Allbirds Wool Runner 2.

This brand film takes the complex topic of producing an environmentally sustainable shoe, and simplifies it through an engaging, humorous and easy to follow 90 second explainer video. Take a look for yourself.

Increase Viewer Engagement And Retention

65% of the Earth’s population are visual learners. The basis of an explainer video is to help your potential customers learn what it is your business offers, and how to use your product or service.

So, creating an explainer video to cater to the 65% of your customers who are visual learners is a no brainer.

Explainer videos leverage visual learning by combining visuals, audio, and storytelling elements to create a memorable viewing experience. This increased engagement translates to higher retention rates, meaning that viewers are more likely to remember your business’s message long after they have watched the video.

This is particularly important in a digital landscape where consumers are bombarded with content from all directions. An engaging explainer video can cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression on your audience, increasing the likelihood of them taking action, whether that be through purchasing from your business or sharing the videos with others.

The Fixon Media Group website homepage features an explainer video to improve dwell time.
Our website's homepage features an explainer video to improve our dwell time.

Boost Conversion Rates

Dwell time is the measurement of how long a viewer stays watching a video. The longer they watch a video, the longer their dwell time.

Studies have shown that for videos published on company website, for every 1% of viewer dwell time, and increase of 1.5% in sales is achieved.

This means that producing a highly engaging and informative explainer video which can be published on your company’s website, is incredibly effective at boosting your sales conversion rates.

By clearly articulating the benefits of your product or service and addressing potential pain points, these videos can persuade viewers to take the next step in their customer journey.

Enhanced SEO And Visibility

Search engines favour websites with high-quality video content, as videos tend to keep visitors on a site for longer periods (through increasing their dwell time).

By incorporating an explainer video into your website, you can improve your site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and increase its chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages. This means more organic traffic and greater online visibility for your business.

Furthermore, many explainer videos can also target long-tail keywords through their video title.

Long-tail keywords are the phrases that your customers are searching on the likes of Google and YouTube when trying to learn about the products and services that your business (and your competitors offer).

For example, if you are a travel agency, your potential customer could be searching for “the best locations to visit in Melbourne”.

You can take this long-tail keyword and create an explainer video around 5 of the best locations to visit in Melbourne.

This can improve not just the SEO of your company’s website but can also help you rank higher on YouTube – which is the world’s largest video search engine.

Build Trust And Credibility

Building trust and credibility with your audience is crucial for sustainable business growth.

An explainer video can help establish your business as an authority in your industry by demonstrating your expertise and showcasing your products or services in a professional manner.

High-quality videos convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail, which can enhance your brand’s reputation.

When potential customers view your explainer videos, and receive a positive value exchange (that is, your business provided them with value through your informative video), then they are more likely to trust your brand and feel confident in their decision to choose your products or services.

A caucasian individual places blocks on top of each other, in a staircase fashion. The blocks on the top spell out the world 'Trust'.

The Best Places To Publish Your Explainer Videos

We’ve already spoken about how your company website and YouTube page are great locations to publish your explainer videos.

Here are a few other platforms to consider.

Publish As An Advertisement

YouTube pre-roll ads are an effective tool to capture the attention of your potential customers.

YouTube advertising allows you to target specific demographics of individuals, meaning you can ensure your explainer video will be shown to YouTube users who meet your target market requirements.

This is also the case on Meta, with ads on Instagram and Facebook.

You could also trial publishing your ad on streaming platforms, such as Amazon Prime or Stan, if your target market is relevant to the platform.

Social Media Platforms

Another great way to use your explainer videos is to take the longer form, 60 to 90 second film, and clip it up into smaller, short form content pieces.

These could then be published across Instagram Reels, TikTok and YouTube Shorts to provide further value to potential customers, and to increase your brand’s reach.

However, it is important to ensure these shorter form pieces are contextual to each platform you post them on.

For example, it may not be a good idea to publish the same short form piece to both Instagram Reels and TikTok, without making some minor changes.

Provide Value To Your Customers With Your Own Explainer Video

Explainer videos are a powerful tool that can simplify complex information, increase engagement and retention, boost conversion rates, enhance SEO and online visibility, and build trust and credibility.

By investing in a high-quality explainer video and strategically distributing it across various platforms, your business can effectively communicate its value proposition, capture the attention of potential customers, and ultimately drive growth.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level with an engaging explainer video, our Melbourne-based video production company is here to help.

Contact us today to discuss your project and learn how we can create a customised explainer video that meets your unique needs. Let’s work together to bring your vision to life and achieve your business goals.


+61 400 801 891

All the best,

Didier Le Miere

Director | Fixon Media Group

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