Things Your Business May Not Have Thought of When Hiring a Video Production Company

What To Consider When Hiring A Video Production Company.

Hiring a video production company for your business can feel straightforward—find a few production houses, review their portfolios, and choose the one that aligns with your budget.

Simple, right? Not quite.

There are several overlooked aspects that can affect the success of your project. By considering these, you can avoid missteps, optimise your budget, and ensure the final output is exactly what your business needs.

In this blog post, we’ll cover key factors businesses often forget when hiring a video production company, arming you with valuable knowledge for your next video project.

Are You Clear On Your Objectives?

One of the most common mistakes businesses make when hiring a video production company is not being crystal clear on their objectives.

Before reaching out to potential companies, it’s essential to define what you want to achieve with your video.

Is it to raise brand awareness? Drive conversions? Educate your audience?

The clearer you are about your goals, the better the video production company can tailor the project to meet those objectives.

Actionable Tip: Have a clear brief that outlines the purpose of the video, target audience, and desired outcomes. This will guide both you and the production company, saving time and avoiding miscommunications.

Have You Considered The Role Of Pre-Production?

Pre-production is where the magic starts.

Unfortunately, many businesses overlook its importance, assuming that filming is the most crucial part of the process.

In reality, a well-organised pre-production phase can make or break your project

Key Considerations In Pre-Production

  • Scriptwriting: Have you finalised the script, or will you need the production company to provide this service?
  • Storyboarding: Do you need visuals that map out each scene, or are you relying on the production company’s creative input?
  • Locations: Where will the shoot take place? Some production companies will charge extra for location scouting, so it’s worth discussing upfront.

If pre-production is rushed or skipped, it can lead to costly revisions or delays later in the project. Make sure to allocate enough time and resources to this crucial phase.

An example of what pre-production of video production looks like, including breaking down a film into pieces, brainstorming camera angles and shot selection.
An example of what the storyboarding process can look like.

How Much Creative Control Do You Want To Keep?

Businesses often underestimate the balance between control and creative freedom when working with a video production company.

It’s tempting to micromanage every aspect, but that can stifle creativity and result in a bland, unoriginal video.

On the other hand, handing over too much control might lead to a final product that doesn’t align with your brand.

Ask Yourself:

  • Are you open to new ideas, or do you have a strict vision in mind?
  • How involved do you want to be in decision-making, from the storyboard to the final cut?

Finding the right balance is crucial. Make sure to discuss your preferences with the production company early on.

Have You Thought About The Talent?

Many businesses assume that the production company will source on-screen talent.

While that’s often the case, you need to be clear about whether you want professional actors, internal staff, or perhaps even customer testimonials.

The decision you make here can impact both the budget and the effectiveness of the video.

Internal Talent vs External Actors

  • Internal Talent: Using employees can add authenticity to your video and build a stronger connection with your audience. However, non-professional talent may require more takes and direction, which can extend production time.
  • External Talent: Hiring professional actors can lead to smoother shoots but comes at a higher cost.

Discuss the pros and cons with your production company and decide what works best for your brand and budget.

The Adobe Premier Pro editing timeline of a corporate brand film.
Post-production is a time-consuming and complex process. Here's an example of the editing for a recent project of ours.

What Are Your Post-Production Expectations?

Post-production is where the raw footage is transformed into a polished final product, but this phase often comes with unexpected challenges.

Many businesses underestimate the time and cost involved in editing, sound mixing, colour grading, and adding special effects.

Key Post-Production Elements To Consider

  • Revisions: How many rounds of edits are included in the quote? Additional revisions can increase costs.
  • Music Licensing: Will the production company handle licensing for background music, or is this an extra fee?
  • Brand Guidelines: Ensure the production company is aware of your brand’s colours, fonts, and logos for consistent on-brand content.

Clarifying these expectations upfront can help you avoid delays and additional costs during the final stages of production.

Have You Budgeted For Additional Costs?

While most businesses focus on the upfront cost of hiring a video production company, they often forget to budget for hidden costs.

These can include location fees, music licensing, permits, extra equipment, and overtime charges if the shoot runs long.

Common hidden costs can include:

  • Location Permits: Shooting in certain public spaces may require permits.
  • Extra Equipment: High-end cameras, lighting rigs, and drones can all add to your final bill.
  • Crew Overtime: If the shoot runs over schedule, additional labour costs may apply.

To avoid surprises, ask the production company for a detailed breakdown of all potential costs and make sure to allocate a contingency budget.

Have You Discussed Distribution And Marketing Strategy?

Creating a video is only half the battle; how you distribute and market it is just as important.

Many businesses forget to involve the production company in this step, missing out on valuable insights that can optimise the video for different platforms.

For example, a video intended for YouTube may have different technical requirements than one designed for Instagram or a live-streaming event. A good video production company will understand the nuances of each platform and can advise on the best approach for maximising your reach.

Questions your business should consider include:

By thinking about distribution early, you can ensure your video performs well on the platforms that matter most to your business.

Remember, you can’t put a roof on a house without the walls built first. The marketing strategy is the walls of a campaign, the roof if the film.

Think Beyond The Basics When Hiring A Video Production Company

Hiring a video production company involves more than just finding the right team and agreeing on a price.

By thinking beyond the basics—focusing on pre-production, creative control, talent, post-production, distribution, and budgeting—you can ensure a smoother process and a final product that meets your business objectives.

Taking these considerations into account will help you choose a video production company that not only delivers a high-quality video but also aligns with your vision and budget.

At Fixon Media Group, we’re here to help you tell your story through powerful, meaningful videos. If you’re ready to connect with your audience in a deeper way, let’s work together to create something special.

Reach out today, and let’s start building the kind of video that truly reflects your brand.

+61 400 801 891

All the best,

Didier Le Miere

Director | Fixon Media Group

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