We Bring Your Brand's Story To Life

At Fixon Media Group, we believe that push marketing is a disease to the world. Your customers, whether B2C or B2B are tired of being bombarded with countless ads every day. Instead, we aim to help your business truly connect with your customer, on a deep and intimate level, by using emotion and human psychology to harness connection, and tell your brand story in a way regular corporate video production cannot. 

Didier Le Miere
Fixon Media Group Founder

An image split into 3. On the left hand side, a film set featuring a camera, light and audio boom pole. Centre, 3 members of the Fixon Media Group staff. Right, a view of the monitor on a camera whilst recording an interview.

How The Video Production Team Works

Our corporate video production team works closely alongside our clients to understand their current positioning and campaign objectives, before developing a filming plan.

It’s important for our clients to have a clear strategy surrounding their video marketing campaigns. Whilst we don’t provide strategic advice, for our clients in small business without a dedicated marketing team, we introduce you to our marketing consultant partners who can build out your campaign strategy on your behalf.

Ultimately, working with our video marketing team is all about forging positive relationships. Not just between you and us, but between you and your customer. We deliver and craft brand films for our clients that builds their brand engagement, improves their brand loyalty and generates financial revenue.

Ready To Work With Us?

You're Not Alone

Many of our clients were just like you – unsure of the next steps they needed to take to engage with their audience. Read about some of the results we’ve delivered for our clients, and watch some of their films.

Ready To Work With Us?