In-House Video Team vs Video Production Company: What's Best?

Which is right or your business? An in-house video team or a video production company?

Video content has emerged as a vital tool for businesses looking to connect with their audience, showcase their products or services, and build brand credibility.

As demand for video content continues to soar, businesses are faced with an important decision: should they develop their video content in-house or hire an external video production company?

This blog post will explore the pros and cons of both approaches, helping you determine which option best suits your business’s unique needs.

Understanding In-House Video Production

An in-house video production team is composed of employees who work exclusively for your business. These team members are on salary and are dedicated to creating video content that aligns with your brand’s objectives. Having an in-house team means that all aspects of video production, from conceptualisation to final editing, are handled internally, within your business.

Pros Of In-House Video Production

1. Brand Consistency

With an in-house team, your employees are deeply immersed in your brand’s values, goals, and voice.

This continuous exposure allows them to produce content that is consistently aligned with your brand’s messaging, aesthetics, and long-term objectives.

They understand the nuances of your brand and can ensure that every piece of content reflects your company’s ethos.

2. Immediate Availability

In-house teams are on-hand whenever a video is needed.

Whether it’s for a sudden campaign, a quick turnaround on social media content, or last-minute changes to an existing project, having a team available at your beck and call can be a significant advantage, ensuring that your business remains agile and responsive.

3. Cost Effective For High Volume

If your business requires a high volume of video content, such as daily or weekly videos, an in-house team might prove to be more cost-effective in the long run.

Rather than paying per project, having a salaried team can help manage budgets, particularly for businesses that have a constant need for video production.

4. Customised Workflow

An in-house team can develop a workflow that is specifically tailored to your company’s operations.

From project management tools to file sharing systems, the team can create a streamlined process that integrates seamlessly with other departments within your business, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.

In-house video production offers a great opportunity for building a stronger team.

Cons Of In-House Video Production

1. High Upfront Costs

Building an in-house video team requires a significant upfront capital investment.

This includes not only salaries but also the purchase of equipment, software, and potentially even studio space. Furthermore, you may need to allocate investment towards additional training to upskill your team to make them knowledgeable in video production.

These costs can be prohibitive for small to medium-sized businesses.

2. Limited Expertise

While your in-house team may excel at certain types of video content, they might lack the diverse skill set that an external video production company can offer.

Specialised knowledge in areas such as animation, aerial videography, or complex post-production effects may be outside the expertise of your in-house team.

3. Resource Allocation

An in-house team requires ongoing management, training, and development.

Ensuring that your team stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies can be resource-intensive, diverting time and focus away from other core areas of your business.

4. Creative Stagnation

Over time, an in-house team may become too familiar with your brand, leading to a potential stagnation in creativity.

Without fresh perspectives, the content produced might become repetitive or fail to push creative boundaries, ultimately limiting the impact of your video marketing efforts.

Understanding Video Production Companies

A video production company is an external entity that you hire to create video content for your business. These companies are specialists in their field and offer a wide range of services, from pre-production planning and scripting to shooting, editing, and post-production.

A three photo collage of Fixon Media Group, a video production company in Melbourne. From left to right, a shot inside the directors booth during a live-stream. Centre, a team photo. Right, founder, Didier Le Miere filming in Port Douglas.
Fixon Media Group are a Melbourne Based Video Production Company

Pros Of Hiring A Video Production Company

1. Access To Expertise And Experience

Video production companies are composed of professionals with extensive experience in the field.

They bring a wealth of knowledge, creativity, and technical expertise to the table, ensuring that your video content is of the highest quality.

From cinematographers to sound designers, hiring a production company gives you access to a diverse range of talents that might not be available within an in-house team.

2. High Quality Equipment

Video production companies invest heavily in the latest equipment and technology.

Whether it’s high-definition cameras, specialised lighting, or cutting-edge editing software, these companies have the tools necessary to produce visually stunning content.

This level of quality is often difficult to replicate with an in-house team, especially for businesses that are not willing to make significant investments in equipment.

3. Fresh Perspectives

Bringing in an external team provides your business with fresh ideas and new perspectives.

Video production companies work with a variety of clients across different industries, allowing them to bring innovative concepts and techniques to your projects.

This infusion of creativity can help differentiate your content from the competition.

4. Scalability And Flexibility

Hiring a video production company allows you to scale your video content needs according to your business requirements.

Whether you need a single video for a specific campaign or a series of videos for an ongoing marketing strategy, production companies offer the flexibility to adjust to your needs.

You also avoid the long-term commitment of maintaining an in-house team, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently.

Cons Of Hiring A Video Production Company

1. Higher Per Project Costs

The cost of hiring a video production company can be higher on a per-project basis, particularly if you require frequent content.

For businesses that need constant video production, these costs can add up quickly, making it a less economical option compared to an in-house team.

2. Less Control over The Process

When working with an external production company, you may have less control over the production process.

While most companies work closely with their clients to ensure that the final product aligns with their vision, there can still be limitations in terms of real-time adjustments and immediate availability.

3. Potential For Misalignment

An external team may not be as intimately familiar with your brand as an in-house team would be.

This could lead to potential misalignment in terms of brand voice, messaging, or creative direction.

It requires clear communication and collaboration to ensure that the production company fully understands and embodies your brand’s identity.

4. Longer Turnaround Times

Depending on the production company’s workload and scheduling, the turnaround time for your video content may be longer than with an in-house team.

This could be a disadvantage if you need content quickly or have tight deadlines.

Which Is Right For Your Business?

Deciding between an in-house video production team and hiring a video production company ultimately comes down to your business’s specific needs, goals, and resources.

If your business requires a high volume of consistent video content and you have the budget to invest in building and maintaining an in-house team, then this option may provide you with the brand consistency and immediate availability you desire.

However, for most businesses, particularly those in Melbourne and across Australia, hiring a video production company is the more practical and effective choice.

The access to specialised expertise, high-quality equipment, and fresh creative perspectives often outweighs the potential drawbacks, especially if your video content needs are varied and project based.

Additionally, the scalability and flexibility offered by a production company can help you manage costs more efficiently, ensuring that you receive the best possible return on your investment.

Ultimately, while both options have their merits, the expertise and versatility of a video production company make it the preferred choice for businesses looking to produce high-quality, impactful video content.

If you’re looking to create high-quality video content that resonates with your audience and drives results, our Melbourne-based video production company is here to help.

With a team of experienced professionals, state-of-the-art equipment, and a commitment to delivering creative, impactful videos, we’re ready to bring your vision to life.

Don’t leave your brand’s video content to chance—partner with us and experience the difference that expert video production can make.

Contact us today to discuss your next project and discover how we can take your business to the next level with stunning brand films. Let’s create something amazing together!

+61 400 801 891

All the best,

Didier Le Miere

Director | Fixon Media Group

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