Neighbourhood Houses Victoria Reach National News Raising Awareness For Tax Law Changes

Deakin University and Neighbourhood Houses Victoria continued their close partnership during 2023, collaborating on a project to raise awareness for the changing taxation laws facing charities and not-for-profits.

The partnership reached out to Fixon Media Group to capture video footage to support a tool being created to help charities understand these changing laws and requirements.


Deakin University & Neighbourhood Houses Victoria




Melbourne, Victoria

The Challenge

In 2021, it was announced by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) announced that from July 1st, 2024, non-charitable not-for-profits (NFPs) with an active ABN will be required to lodge an annual return to notify of their eligibility to an income tax exemption.

This has raised fears that many NFPs will be forced to close down, as they do not hold the resources to hire a lawyer or accountant to stay on top of the changing laws and regulations.

The Australian Charities and Not For Profits Commission logo.
Cameron MacRae from Neighbourhood Houses Victoria being interviewed during a film.

The Solution

To overcome this challenge, Neighbourhood Houses Victoria Chief Operating Officer, Cameron MacRae, has developed a free tool in association with Deakin University to help Neighbourhood House managers know where to start when it comes to complying.

To build this tool, Fixon Media Group were engaged to create 3 short videos with Cameron, as part of the visual help for the tool.

The three films would focus on providing NFPs with clear instructions, led by Cameron, detailing the changes that had occurred to taxation laws and requirements, and the steps NFPs would need to take.

To assist in taking a complex discussion, and making it simple to understand, we incorporated a series of on-screen text overlay graphics and b-roll.

As a result, viewers could grasp a better understanding of the content, and learn exactly what steps they needed to take.

This ensured no NFP would be left overwhelmed.

The Result

Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and Deakin University have had a tremendous result through the developed tool.

They have reached national news, making headlines across the ABC and The Accounting Times.

Not only have they been able to help raise awareness for Victorian and Australian Neighbourhood House managers, they have also had a significant interest from other NFPs.

You can read their news headlines below.

Fixon Media Group are proud to have been able to assist in the development of such a valuable and critical tool for Not For Profits. 

We thank Erin Hill from Deakin University, and Cameron MacRae from Neighourhood Houses Victoria for their testimonials on this project.

"Didier and his team were responsive, engaged, knowledgeable and receptive to feedback, to ensure that the finished project was exactly what we needed."
Deakin University Logo.
Erin Hill
Faculty Of Business & Law | Deakin University
"I am truly impressed by the level of professionalism, creativity, and expertise exhibited by Fixon Media Group throughout our engagement. Their seamless collaboration with our team and their ability to translate complex concepts into compelling visual narratives have exceeded our expectations."
Neighbourhood Houses Victoria Logo.
Cameron MacRae
COO | Neighbourhood Houses Victoria