Pipe Bands Australia Takes Itself To An International Scale

Pipe Bands Australia is the governing body for the Australian Pipe Band National Championships.

Ahead of their 2024 edition, held in Maryborough, Victoria, Pipe Bands Australia were looking to emulate the feats of their New Zealand counterparts, through a live-stream of the championships.


Pipe Bands Australia




Maryborough (VIC)

The Challenge

The New Zealand Pipe Band Championships are a well resourced, supported and long-running competition.

As a result, they have the facilities and opportunity to invest in a high quality, multi-camera live-stream of their annual New Zealand National Pipe Band Championships.

The Australian body are not as well resourced, historically never being perceived at the same scale as New Zealand.

However, Pipe Bands Australia have ambitions to emulate or better their cross Tasman neighbours.

The challenge therefore for Pipe Bands Australia was to produce a live-stream of their 2024 Championships that would set a standard for the digital image of the Australian competition, which could then be improved year on year as resources become available, to eventually be on par, or superior, to the New Zealand National Championships live-stream.

Emmanuel College Highland Pipe Band performing at Maryborough, Victoria.
The Haileybury Highland Pipe Band performing in a tight circle around their drum major in Maryborough, Victoria.

The Solution

Pipe Bands Australia approached us looking for the highest standard of live-stream they could possibly receive for their National Championships, given the resources they had available.

We proposed a 4-camera live-stream option, covering both performance circles, Circle A and Circle B.

To raise the standard even higher, commentary would be introduced by Stephen Matthews, whos knowledge of the performing bands is unmatched.

Of the 4 camera angles, it was extremely important to bring forward exciting and unique angles, not generally seen for a Pipe Band Championship.

We introduced a roaming camera angle, within Circle B, to capture the raw emotion, extreme focus and precision of band members. 

We also included live drone shots throughout the day.

Audio is an extremely important aspect of Pipe Band Championships.

To ensure crisp audio was captured, shot gun microphones were placed at both Circle A and Circle B, activated as we switched between Circle A and B coverage.

The Result

The 2024 Australian Pipe Band National Championship live-stream lasted for a duration of 8 hours. Of which, 3 live-streams were produced, broken down into The Parade, Morning Session and Afternoon Session.

The overall feedback gathered from viewers, key stakeholders and promoter, The Maryborough Highland Society, was extremely positive.

As a result of the live-stream, Pipe Bands Australia have set a high digital standard. One that can act as a baseline for continual improvements over the years to come.

Moving forward, Pipe Bands Australia look forward to enhancing their live-coverage to a standard that emulates the magnificent coverage of the New Zealand National Championships.

Pipe Bands Victoria Chair, Karen Wallace had the following to say:

"I am most grateful for your collective expertise in bringing the Championships live to our wider, indeed global community. Thank you for working so closely with myself and announcer, Stephen Matthews; your prompt support and willingness to adapt to our live-streaming requirements were greatly appreciated."
Pipe Bands Australia Logo.
Karen Wallace
Chair | Pipe Bands Victoria

View The Live-stream Replays

Band Street March

Morning Session

Afternoon Session