The Marketing Landscape In 2024

A large container ship can be seen on the ocean's horizon at sunset.
How Will Your Brand's Marketing Boat Stay Afloat In 2024?

First, it was the Mad Men Age.


Then came the Digital Age.


And now, we’re in the Immersion Age.


The world of marketing has been changing rapidly in the last 25 years, and even on a shorter time horizon of the last 5 years, we’ve seen significant changes in how the world has reacted to marketing.


In 2024, brands are needing to make slight changes in their communications and their marketing if they are wishing to succeed and to grow.


Here’s a look at the marketing landscape in 2024.

The Immersion Age

If you aren’t familiar with the ‘Ages’ of marketing, let us quickly make you aware.

The Mad Men Age

The Mad Men Age of marketing, was seen prior to the world of the internet (the Digital Age, which we’ll discuss shortly).


In this age, companies would push out messages (push being the key here) to consumers – ALL consumers.


There was no target market. Everyone was the target.


Companies would simply shoot a message out to the public, typically via the media, and hope that a customer would be on the other end of the bullet.

The Digital Age

Then came the digital age. With the rise of the internet, we saw a more directed approach to marketing.


Companies, instead of shooting a message out to everyone, were now able to target specific groups and demographics, thanks to the internet.


As social media was developed and refined, campaigns became more and more targeted, to the point where nowadays, if you visit a website looking for dog toys, you can almost guarantee that as soon as you jump on Facebook or Instagram, there will be an ad, waiting for you, pushing a message about a dog toy brand.


However, as with the Mad Men Age, the Digital Age was still pushing messages out to consumers and clients. Again, the key being ‘PUSH’.

A GoPro action camera being held by a hand picturing a ombre blue ocean coastline on sunny day with distant clouds.
GoPro Are A Brilliant Example Of A Brand Utilising The Immersion Age To Their Advantage

The Immersion Age

Whilst the Digital Age is still extremely prevalent, we’re now moving into the ‘Immersion Age’ of marketing.


Very slowly.


In the Immersion Age, companies are engaging in direct two-way conversation with their customers.


And this is done via social media and content.


However, it’s important to note, this is not done in a ‘push’ marketing way. Instead, it is done via attraction based marketing.


And the companies who are best utilising the new Age of marketing, are not holding conversations about their product or service.




They are holding conversations, two way conversations, about common interests and relevant topics to that of their customers.


A great brand example of this, GoPro.


They don’t talk with their customers on their social media about the latest Hero Camera.


They talk about the travel experiences their users have had. The extreme sports they have taken part of.


Common experiences and relevant topics to their target market.

Building Content That Communicates

As we’ve touched on, customers are looking for ways to connect with brands in today’s Immersion Age.


Over the past 25 years of marketing, the trends suggest that customers are fed up with having a message pushed down their throat by brands.


So nowadays, it’s imperative that brands build content that communicates with their customers. That opens up this two way conversation we’ve highlighted.


In 2024, to do this, brands will need to craft content that is both engaging, but also interesting to their customers.


This doesn’t necessarily mean they need to do build highly funny, ‘meme’ orientated content.


It can be educational based content, where you are educating your customers on your brand or product or service, in a way that attracts them to you, (as opposed to pushing a message at them).


Studies have found that a user’s understanding of a brand and their product or service has increased after watching educational videos about it – so this offers huge scope to communicate with your customers, knowing that they will be open to receiving knowledge, which will enable your brand to forge a deeper connection with them.

Our Predications For 2024

With 10 months still to come in 2024, we’re predicting a big shift in the way brands connect with their customers.


We expect to see TV ad revenues continue to drop, as well as ad revenues of streaming services too.


Why? Because these are examples of push marketing.


As a result, we’re going to continue to see a rise in the amount of content published on social media, with more and more brands beginning to indulge in these extremely personal, two way conversations with their customers.


The brands that will come out on top at the conclusion of 2024, will be those with the highest brand engagement (defined in simple terms as, how strong a connection a client has to a brand).


A greater brand engagement, results in a more loyal customer base, whereby the clientele are attracted to a brand for their impact on them, how relatable they are, and how authentic they are, verse what they sell, at what price and in comparison to their competitors.


In 2024, authentic brands will win. Brands that truly connect and communicate on a deep and emotional level with their clients, will win.


Wishing you and your brand all the success in 2024.

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All the best,

Didier Le Miere

Director | Fixon Media Group

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