The TikTokification of LinkedIn: What It Means for Video

In mid 2024, LinkedIn released their long awaited mobile video feed.
As seen on the likes of TikTok and Instagram, the LinkedIn video feed algorithm works by sending out a user’s video to other users who share a similar content preference.
Previously, the LinkedIn algorithm fed content to your first degree connections after you posted. Then, if your connections engaged on your post, your post would be pushed to second degree connections, and third degree connections.
However, with the video feed algorithm, LinkedIn is now pushing out video posts to any user on LinkedIn – irrespective of their connection relationship with you.
What does this mean?
- Improved reach
- Higher engagement
- and more importantly, a greater chance to be seen as a thought leader of your industry
Here’s what the TikTokification of LinkedIn means for video.
My Experience With LinkedIn Video
Over the past 3-4 months, I’ve trialled numerous versions of LinkedIn video.
I’ve had two major standout results over this time.
I don’t have a lot of connections on LinkedIn, relative to many other founders and CEOs. 819 at the time writing.
However, these two video posts were able to get me 17,000 and 44,000 impressions – a significant increase to my other most seen post of 2024 of 1,800 impressions.
Whilst I don’t particularly care or focus on the vanity metrics of impressions and engagement rates on LinkedIn (I care more about the value my content provides to my connections), it is interesting to analyse these posts and understand why they did so well.

The Analysis
I trialled three types of videos in my little ‘experiment’.
- Highly produced podcast clips, using my professional camera, with captions and a piece of context text.
- Thought leadership clips filmed on my phone, with captions and a piece of context text.
- Podcast clips, using my professional camera, without captions or a piece of context text.
The two posts that went viral were both the 2nd type of video – filmed on my phone, with captions and a context piece of text.
However, these two were incredible outliers. I still had ‘good’ results with many of the other videos.
LinkedIn sends out your posts to 5-10% of your audience in the first hour of your post.
If your connections in the 5-10% of your audience engage with your post in this timeframe, then LinkedIn sends your post out to more of your connections.
As a result, I gauge a ‘good’ LinkedIn post for me as one that gets me upward of 200 impressions (approx. 25% of my connections see my post).
Many of the video posts that didn’t go ‘viral’ still went well above 200 impressions. Many hitting 400+, some reaching closer to 1,000.

What Made These Two Videos Stand Out
You’ll notice that both of these videos are filmed on my phone. Specifically the front camera of my phone.
However, I recommend filming with the back camera of your phone, and this is what I’ll be doing from now on for similar style videos.
They both contain short and sharp captions, maxing out other 20 characters per caption slide.
And I use a text block to provide context to the video.
In these two examples, I also applied a timeframe to the videos: 60 seconds and 45 seconds, respectively. I then added a countdown timer to the video to reinforce how long my content has to go.
Ultimately, both of these videos have gone ‘viral’ on LinkedIn.
However, I have since produced similar style videos and published them to LinkedIn, and have not achieved the same impression results.
Therefore, whilst the above variables will have contributed to the overall success of the two videos, the content value is what made it shareable and engage-able.
If I didn’t share compelling, insightful and actionable advice, providing true value to my audience, then it is highly likely these videos would have not gone above 500 impressions.
This is likely why my other videos produced in a similar style didn’t go ‘viral’ – I simply didn’t provide enough value to my audience.
The Key Takeaways For You
From my experiments, I came away with the following takeaways that I’d like to pass onto you to improve your own video marketing for both your personal brand and business on LinkedIn.
Production Quality Doesn't Matter (Too Much)
Both low produced and highly produced videos can get you results. What matter’s is the quality of information that you’re sharing.
Use Proven Engagement Baits
Captions, context text blocks and timeframes are all proven to be solid tools for keeping viewer engagement. Use them effectively.
Provide SERIOUS Value
No matter how well produced your video is, or whether you follow the best practices, your video will simply not go ‘viral’ if you don’t share genuine insights, actionable advice and true value.
Want Some Help In 2025?
At Fixon Media Group, our team specialise in capturing the emotions that resonate with your customers and transforming them into powerful, captivating brand films designed to connect with your future audience.
If you’re looking to create impactful brand films and short-form video content in 2025, feel free to get in touch with our Melbourne based video production team.