Why Video Marketing Is Essential For Brands In 2024

The set of a corporate film in a Melbourne building, featuring 3 lights, 3 cameras, a standing interviewer on the right hand side of frame, and a seated interviewee central.
A Behind The Scenes Look Of Our Set Up Filming With Women's Legal Services Victoria

Video marketing is everywhere.


From billboards, to YouTube, our social media pages and websites. At any given point during the day, you can almost guarantee that no matter where you look, a video is on display.


And as we look at the playing field of video marketing for brands in 2024, there is one key message:


Gone are the days of boring, old corporate style videos. In 2024, your customers want to be entertained by your brand, and learn how you can help them.


This, makes video marketing in 2024 essential for brands.

What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is simply defined as any form of video produced by a brand for the sole purpose of improving the connection between a client and a brand.


And this is an important definition to remember.


Think of how many times you’ve been watching TV, or scrolling through social media, and a video pops up from a brand and it’s all about pushing a message down your throat, in the hope that you buy from them?


Now ask yourself, have you felt more or less connected to the brand through this film?


A push marketing campaign may bring in sales results in the short term, but it is incredibly inefficient in the long run for building brand recognition, brand loyalty, and most importantly, brand engagement.


This is why it is critical to remember that the use of video marketing is for improving the connection between your clients and your brand.

Why Is Video Marketing Essential For Brands In 2024?

There are 4 key reasons why video marketing is essential for brands in 2024:


Modern day consumers want to be entertained by brands.


In fact, they don’t even want to be entertained. They expect to be entertained by brands.


And in 2024, there is no better way to do this than through short form content.


Short form content, we define as any video produced in a horizontal aspect ratio, published on social media platforms, generally with a maximum duration of 90s.


They key with short form content (which targets entertainment) is to entertain your clients, but do so in a way that is not at the expense of a lack of professionalism or degradation of brand.


Entertaining, short form content doesn’t necessarily have to be all about following the latest trends, dancing on film or making an idiot out of yourself (although this can help some specific brands).


Instead, it’s about striking the right balance between education, humour and storytelling, to keep your client’s mind engaged with what you present to them.


Did you know that 65% of Earth’s population are visual learners?


It’s a pretty amazing fact when you consider just how many people that is (5.2 billion people if you were wondering).


This offers your brand a huge opportunity to provide genuine, true value to your clients through education based videos.


Video is perfect for visual learners, because it draws attention from all aspects of the brain – the ears for processing sound, the eyes for processing movement and the mind for processing text.


One of the interesting discoveries that have come out in recent years from studies on consumers, is that a user’s understanding of a brand’s product has increased as a result of them watching a video from the brand, informing them about the product.


This means that your clients are open to being educated. They are open to learning what it is that your brand can help them with.


It may not mean they buy from you immediately – perhaps they’ll buy in 6 month’s time – but the important thing is that through education based videos, you have improved your brand recognition, and in the long run, this is guaranteed to improve your brand engagement.


The Winey Cow cafe menu, a yellow passionfruit cocktail and a dish featuring pulled pork, two poached eggs on a thick piece of bread, covered in hollandaise.
A Frame From Our Brand Film For The Winey Cow Cafe In Mornington

Brand Engagement

We’ve mentioned this term brand engagement a few times – but what does it actually mean?


Brand engagement, in its most basic definition, is how strong of a connection a client feels they have to a brand.


Video is one of the most effective ways to raise your brand engagement, and have clients feel they are closer to your brand.


This is due to the storytelling ability of a video.


A great brand story film, for example, uses impact, emotion and a brand’s core values to engage a viewer, pulls on their heart and makes them feel like the brand is one of them.


They key here, is to speak to your clients on their terms, and on their level. Speaking down, as if you were a senior figure, adds to the natural consumer defensive guard.

Improved SEO

Brand films also do a very powerful job of improving your brand’s website SEO.


By publishing videos on our website home page, landing page, and throughout your website, you are able to increase the time people stay on your brand’s website.


As discussed, user understanding of a product has increased after watching a video detailing the product.


By posting informative product videos on your website, you increase the time spend on your web pages (which Google loves) and in turn increase your search engine optimisation (SEO).


As a result, you hold a higher chance of ranking higher on Google.

The Key Takeaways

In 2024, video is a powerful medium for brands looking to improve their brand engagement, and truely connect with their clients.


In 2024, clients are wanting to be educated and entertained by brands, and have simply had enough of messages being forced down their throats.


This makes value driven video marketing essential for brands in 2024.

Need A Hand Forging A Deep Connection With Your Clients?

It’s not always easy to forge a deep connection with your clients. Which is why we’re here to help.

Brand story films are your brand’s north star. They help you to make decisions internally, and act as the centrepiece of your marketing strategy.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you forge a deep, emotive connection with your consumer through a brand story film, contact us via:


+61 400 801 891


All the best,

Didier Le Miere

Director | Fixon Media Group

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